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Tolerate & Improve Chemotherapy Efficacy

Online Program to support your Recovery from Chemotherapy

This course equips you with tools and techniques to not only minimize treatment side effects, but have a quicker and more comfortable healing process from chemotherapy.

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Course Benefits 

Decrease Side Effects

Help to manage and reduce fatigue, nausea, heartburn, neuropathy, and other common side effects of chemotherapy.

Improve Chemo Efficacy

Dial in your diet to proactively shift your metabolism in preparation for treatment so you can maximize therapy results.

Heal Quicker

Feel better in between treatments and recover fully faster when Chemotherapy comes to an end.

This course teaches you how to minimize Chemotherapy side effects and maximize your treatment's efficacy.

Chemotherapy side effects can kick in after your very first session and linger long after your final treatment. Chemotherapy and estrogen-blocking treatments like tamoxifen can change your hormones profoundly, and even trigger menopausal symptoms. While nothing about chemo is pleasant, there are ways to dramatically reduce your side effects and stay functional throughout your therapy!


Through this program, you'll learn how to improve the efficacy of your chemotherapy and minimize the harshness of its side effects, so that you can live your life and minimize the time you spend feeling knocked out. Using natural tools and recommendations, you’ll reduce and better tolerate common chemo side effects such as nausea, mouth sores, constipation, anemia, and neuropathy, as well as support for fatigue and insomnia. Moreover, you'll discover strategies for facilitating healing after chemotherapy, promoting recovery and wellness post-treatment.

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If you have yet to start Chemotherapy or are in the trenches of treatment, it can feel overwhelming.

  • Maximize the efficacy of your therapy so that you get the best results

  • Understand which nutrients and natural substances are safe and most effective to minimize side effects

  • Nourish and strengthen your body through tailored nutrition plans designed to help you feel your best throughout your treatment

  • Learn strategies to help you on the day of your infusion and throughout each Chemotherapy cycle

Costs: $347
  • How long will it take before I start feeling better?
    Thriving Survivors supports you by teaching you about the therapies and tools that will help your body heal. This healing process varies from person to person and is influenced by a number of factors, but many clients report positive results within 3-4 weeks! As you progress in your program and continue to address the determinants of health (sleep, nutrition, hydration, exercise, and stress management), you’ll further strengthen your mind and body and help your key systems to heal more quickly. This will help you regain and maintain a more normal life as you move through and recover from your treatment.
  • What results can I expect from my program?
    Many clients report that their chemotherapy symptoms such as fatigue, mouth sores, nausea, and neuropathy became easier to deal with — or disappear entirely. Clients have also reported that they were able to reduce or eliminate menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and night sweats. You can expect to feel more energetic, experience better sleep, and enjoy a wide variety of cancer-fighting and immunity-boosting foods. Mindfulness exercises will help to improve your mental health, including stress and anxiety management. While you may not feel exactly the same as you did before your cancer treatment, you can create a powerful new standard of health going forward — one that leaves you feeling awesome, active, and empowered!
  • What can I do to make sure that I get my best results?
    Follow the steps laid out in your program or treatment plan to the best of your ability. While it can be challenging to feel energetic or motivated while undergoing treatment, staying committed to your program will help you to feel better more quickly! A positive mindset is also highly beneficial to your recovery. If you’re in need of support or encouragement — or just want to talk to people who understand exactly what you’re going through — visit our private Thriving Survivors community.
  • Can I start my program before I begin my cancer treatment?
    Yes, you can! Starting your Thriving Survivors program or 1:1 Health Partnership first can help you strengthen and prepare your mind and body for your upcoming surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation treatments. You can also begin your program after you’ve ended your treatment to reduce your risk of recurrence and rebuild your health while between treatments or in remission.

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Disclaimer : This Program Is for Educational Purposes Only and Is Not a Substitute for Evaluation and Treatment by a Licensed Health Care Provider. Please Check With Your Oncology Team Before Making Any Changes to Your Health Care Program or Starting Any New Regimen.

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